Jan 09, 2024
Papercut Web Print
Papercut allows you to print from your computer to any printer on campus.
To print:
- From your computer go to papercut.skc.edu
- Enter your Papercut credentials
- Select Webprint in left column
- On the following page select Submit a job
- Choose your printer. Select "memphisto 143SKC-Green-Print (virtual)"
- Click on "Print Options and Account Selection" in lower right
- Enter the number of copies you need and select the account to charge
- If you select "charge to my personal account" you must have $$ on your personal account
- Click on "Upload Documents" in lower right
- Upload document to print
- Using your SKC ID/Print card to badge in at any Toshiba printer on campus to release print job. There is a pad on the front of the printers that you will wave your ID Card in front of; it will beep and you can follow the on screen prompts to print your file.